How Jogging for an Hour Can Help You Set Your Day

Starting your day with a healthy activity can set the tone for the rest of your day. Just as you schedule important meetings and appointments into your day, make time for yourself and your health.

Here are three ways that jogging for an hour can help set your day: 

  • Improved Mood 
  • Increased Productivity 
  • Improved Sleep Quality 

Improved Mood

Getting some fresh air and endorphins first thing in the morning can help improve your mood for the rest of the day. Exercise is a proven mood booster, so even if you don’t love jogging, give it a try in the morning and see how you feel afterwards. If you start your day feeling good, chances are you’ll be in a better mood throughout the rest of the day as well.

Increased Productivity

Studies have shown that people who exercise in the morning are more productive throughout the day. Whether you’re working on a project at work or checking items off your to-do list at home, making time for a morning jog can help you get more done in less time. If you’re looking to be productive, start your day with a jog!

Improved Sleep Quality

If you struggle with insomnia or other sleep issues, jogging in the morning can help improve your sleep quality at night. According to research, people who exercise regularly sleep better and have less trouble falling asleep than those who don’t exercise at all. So if you’re looking to get a better night’s sleep, make sure to add some jogging into your daily routine!

Jogging for an hour in the morning may seem like a lot of time out of your day, but the benefits are plentiful. From improved moods to increased productivity, there are many ways that jogging can help set your day. So if you’re looking for a way to improve your overall health, give jogging a try! You just might find that it’s worth getting up a little earlier for!